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Dive into Pearl of Miami

While Ray was dralting to lose all sanity in the Fungibasement, Rockgodt encountered the real ‘Pearl..’ at his hotel apartment on the Flower road. The Flower Road, Miami; the name says a lot because everything wilted there. ‘The Pearl of Miami’, is the name Rockgodt got by doing (spontaneous) projects on his own in the name of LosDQ. The real image of the Pearl is secret but it is clear from images that it contains, among other things, cheap dish soap. In interviews, filmed on VHS, the Pearl speaks to Herman about the “Bedde..”. The “Bedde of the Noble Parts” is the transforming ritual to go from Rockgodt to Pearl where on a bed of six tufts of white brand shag, the bollocks are allowed to rest for a night. Only the dog is then allowed to spit on them and throw them across the floor. See VHS No. 099P22 89. At night one could always hear a strange soft banging... That was the Pearl then banging his head against the beams. The light of the bathroom could not be turned off and in front of the door was a pot of white paint to keep them closed until the pot broke etc. Outside the door was always the Ford, completely painted blue. Ray Moon sitting on Ford Rokgodt Pearl sitting in painted Ford 33 All in all, in any way or shape, I would follow as much as possible and take notes. The Miami period is etched in our collective memory as a period of deep cozy Miaminess. We remember the French fries with sour meat at the “Fatcave”. It was advisable to eat only the middle part of what was in the tray and then only together with a few triples (Belgian beer). We hung out a lot there. By the way, the butcher shop across the street supplied the raw material to Rockgodt for the construction of the “Pearl”. That butcher shop didn’t only slice meat, the butchers level of beletteredness came close to mine and we also cut up the whole of the Pearl Rokgodsch personality. To me he was the ultimate embodiment of LosDQ. Simple and complex. It’s not for no reason he was the band’s most long-term singer. What he did on stage was so averse to any fashion or whatever. It was a great outlet for him and all he wanted was to explode. In Wibra jeans he cut off with an axe, in random brown shoes and like a total idiot. Averse to punk and politics, non-everything and anti nothing. Doing something correctly means it embraces its own naturalness, as exemplified by someone like Pearl Rockgodt, free from societal constraints (Kelley and Stals). An authentic individual, in this context, goes beyond societal expectations in manners, norms, and communication, connecting with their genuine self. What holds significance is unbridled, genuine expression, even if it doesn’t necessarily make sense (Duncombe). To reassure him, (the butcher and) I say all the following in pure appreciation. 34 Rokgodt sitting and touching soapfoam in Miami EXAMPLE 1: At times, out of sheer boredom, Pearl would grab cheap dish soap and sit in a public square, creating bubbles with his hands. He could entertain himself with the foam for hours, finding more amusement there than, for instance, in the hotel bathtub. He sought a reaction, not bothered if someone called him foolish. The perception of idiocy often comes from those outside the thinking subject. It is a judgment from others, but being an idiot involves self-awareness, an acknowledgment of one's own foolishness (Ehry). The term "idiot" historically described someone lacking intelligence, but acting like an idiot is different. Acting like an idiot unleashes possibilities otherwise confined, offering an escape from repression and control. The idiot's behavior is unpredictable; no one, not even the idiot themselves, knows how they'll react (Ehry). 35 EXAMPLE 2: Deliberate idiocy is not easy to judge. I asked Sittologist Goedele Lieckens to analyze the picture of Rockgodt by the pool of the hotel to see if his nonverbal language and posture could help somehow. She told me more about it: ›› ‘Whether the chair and the singer really have a relationship with each other I cannot judge. In the picture, the singer is sunbathing laying down almost naked at the edge of the pool. This indicates that he is familiar with the hotel and feels comfortable. If we focus on the total posture though, one could recognize the shape of a question mark. Rockgodt laying pool miami picture 1 But what if we pay closer attention here to the position of the singer’s legs? In this picture, the position of the legs is very important. If his legs are slightly further apart, this indicates pure fatigue and love plays no role whatsoever. If the legs are closer together, this indicates a situation he does not really want. Unaccustomedness, a kind of forced play. How the singer’s legs are positioned now, close together and one bend, indicates that he is full of desire of dumbness and boredom. He wants it badly. Rockgodt laying at pool miami 2 36 I myself prefer being on top of the chair, sliding the sitting device under my buttocks. I prefer to use the apparatus of seismologist and engineer Henry Massonnet especially his so-called Fauteuil 300 (monobloc): Enough about me. I am happy that Goedele explained that how you sit down tells us how you position yourself. Also, I think my mind is wandering off, maybe because I finally had time to. DQ managing sitting objects for numerous exhibitions 37 Pearl Rockgodt sitting on audience in Miami EXAMPLE 3: The Pearl exhibits unconventional behavior, described as a “bungler, fumbler, stumbler” (Ehry). His spontaneous and carefree approach to life might appear foolish or naive, but it goes beyond easy characterization. Through mastery of his craft, he employs humor and wit to make harsh truths more digestible. The varied reactions in the pictures above show that this influence can be as captivating as it can be off-putting. People struggle to decide if the Pearl is natural or unnatural, aware or unaware—this ambiguity is the tricky part. Tricksters, known for their cunning wit and ability to challenge authority, play a role here. Chaos can be induced on-site or in people’s minds, causing disruption or transformation. A lot of this has of course is in the end a subjective, as also seen in the crowds divided reactions. The Rockgodt Pearl and LosDQ aim to pose a question, demonstrating that it can be a bed that won’t let us sleep comfortably, although powernaps are delicious on it. 38 What our opinion about the Pearl says about ourselves is the central point. When asked what others say about him, Rokgodt Pearl replied: ›› ‘That I should sing less and move more. That would be better for my health. While I still feel like a very fit person. So I got up at seven o’clock this morning. And I hadn’t even set my alarm. My alarm clock is a loud one. An old clock radio that used to belong to my parents. It’s a very loud buzzer. That wakes me up. The radio alarm clock jumps two hours when the digital clock shows ten o’clock or twenty-two o’clock. I have to take that into account when I put it. So basically I can’t go to sleep before ten at night and I can’t get up after ten in the morning. I have no problem with that whatsoever. Now I would like to ask the reader, you there, to try this: distinguish nonsense from the serious as a kind of LDQ training.. Not defining it towards us as humans. There is no more progress to be made there (so you already have that, for free). All help is pointless. Only when it is pretended madness, I think I should underline that there is approximately 1 meter 86 and 95 kilos on my chair. Whether or not in former regions where cabbage once existed was mined, we do share a point of understanding: I’m curious about further developments in this writing Eva.. So, please send me a draft version by email. Well, hopefully it is clear.’ The Pearl Rockgodt talks between the lines. He represents the ever changing character embedded in LosDQ by ever changing himself. Essentially, the band takes on a role akin to playful cultural anthropologists, actively gathering information and assessing various situations. Rather than focusing on uncovering potential threats or injustices and bringing them to light, their role involves adding an extra layer of confusion or complexity to existing problems, as opposed to simplifying them (Bras). 39 ROKGODT ‘Pearling’ with white plastic bag next to him The Miami period had another interesting moment with the “ battle for the Conifer”. A small conifer in a white plastic bag was taken onto the stage at the bar ‘The Whitte Balloons’. The thin small twigs were no match for the rough drumming on stage. To save the conifer Ray eventually pushed it into his tight plastic cycling suit and she now grows in his garden. That provided a lot of material for the press because the people at the bar were battling Ray in breakdance to have it. Ray won. Every year at Christmas, lights are hung in it to remember this loss by the people of that bar. For they had started it. In fact; if the Queens had not been there that whole interesting partying probably would not even have taken place. That performance by Ray, by the way, included a dance move called “HKnug” and a fried egg (or was that before?). When everything makes sense, nothing makes sense anymore, or the other way around. I think the ongoing stories blend and blur in my memory the closer we come to our return.

Why is a good art? 

Good art is that you go downhill and then you feel it bubbling up again and then it slowly comes back up. This is reflected in a good work of art. A good piece of art recognizes where these things are and reflects them back to the owner so that he or she realizes it. Even if the artwork failed. Because even failure is a quality in which a good work of art can excel.

With one foot, the work stands in your head and continues to simmer forever to leave a deep impression on you. With the other foot it can therefore wander around frivolously and frivolously until it dissolves into nothingness by itself. And after this, we think, is that it will come naturally. After which it can erupt again in a euphoric manifestation of pure grandeur!

Sincerely Losdq,

Ps dont call you, we call us!


 Like a mussel, LosDQ is nicely sticking on to something all day long, in full openness filtering the mess from your environment, that’s the food. That’s how we grow. More and more hair dirt and moss on the shell. Sometimes also closed. In French, mussels is Moules. Moules is also mold in some dialects in Limburg. The music is the mold, so the actual work is created in the spectator’s/listeners’ heads. Marcel Broodthaers also talked about this differently, so then you know that this is not nonsense. In the center panel of Bosch’s Garden of Earthly Delights triptych (Prado), a man carries on his back a huge half-closed mussel shell in which two people (presumably a man and a woman) lie. Another detail of this center panel shows half a mussel shell on top of a rock. A round marble-like object rests on the mussel shell. / Mussel = something of little value. / Evolution is not just about survival of the fittest. There is also such a thing as the ‘survival of the laziest’. And who is the laziest? That is the mussel, a shell that can live for hundreds of years! / A handy person ensures that he does not lack anything. If the oats are in the belle, the mussels are good. When the oats are ripe, it is the start of mussel season. Ldq worked for a while under the name Golden Harvest. / The mussel makes the fish turn away. (= a lot of bad goods on the market causes the prices of good goods to fall) / neither mussel nor fish (= neither one nor the other - good nor bad) / That really makes my mussel close (=That doesn’t really make me warm or cold..) / vannen goej mussel lüp tich ët juice autte mond (=quality pays off) (in Brabant)
I hope you had a great time! Sincerely Vincent