Hi. my name is Mike Moonen and this page is about me.    ,                Hi. my name is Mike Moonen and this page is about us.    ,                Hi. my name is Mike Moonen and this page is  about you.    ,                Hi. my name is Mike Moonen and this page is about we.  ,                
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Duo show with Bart Kelleter

De Kopermolen, Vaals


Bart and Mike, who both grew up in Vaals, got invited for a duo show at De Kopermolen. De Kopermolen wanted to stir the pot and get some other audiences in the former church. For Bart and Mike this seemed the perfect occasion for a retrospective mix show that could get people a glimpse of what happened from than till now. It could also offer local kids a place to play and curate, or the elderly a place to sit.